Help Keep Orange County Safe

Connect Orange County is a new public safety program enabling the people of Orange County to help keep their community safe.

By integrating public safety cameras and privately-owned cameras from voluntary participants, we can transform the way our deputies can respond to, solve, and deter crime.

LEVEL 1: Register Your Cameras

Let's work together to fight crime! Register your cameras with Connect Orange County today to help be the eyes and ears in your community. Camera registration is free and takes less than one minute via FUSUS secure online portal.

Registering your cameras does not allow the Orange County Sheriff's Office access to your video - it simply lets investigators know there is a camera at your location. If a crime occurs in the area, an investigator from the Sheriff's Office will contact you via email to ask whether your cameras may have caught something that would be helpful to the investigation.

LEVEL 2: Integrate Your Cameras

Businesses and residents can take community security one step further by giving the Orange County Sheriff's Office direct access to your camera feed in case of a nearby emergency.

All you need is a small CORE device that you plug into your camera system, which you can voluntarily purchase from FUSUS.

Please complete Level 1 (Camera Registry) before proceeding to Level 2 (Camera Integration). If you have previously registered your security cameras, please go directly to Step 2 to purchase CORE devices.